§1983 civil rights defense

§1983 Civil Rights Defense Lawyers

Years of Legal Experience in Georgia 

Lavender Hoffman Emery, LLC has many years of experience defending medical providers and law enforcement against §1983 civil rights claims.  The law surrounding §1983 claims is complex and issue specific.  Our deep familiarity with the nuances of this area of law, and our long experience defending these claims positions Lavender Hoffman Emery, LLC to represent clients facing these claims.

Call (404) 400-4500 or contact our firm online.

What Is a Section 1983 Lawsuit?

A Section 1983 lawsuit is a civil rights lawsuit that can be filed when an individual or group believes their constitutional rights have been violated by a law enforcement officer or other government official. 

Examples of civil rights violations lawsuits may include claims of:

  • Excessive force
  • False arrest
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Selective enforcement
  • Violation of equal protection rights
  • Violation of First (freedom of speech, religion, and association), Fourth (freedom from false arrest and wrongful prosecution), Eighth (freedom from cruel and unusual punishment), or Fourteenth (free from depravations of life, liberty, or property without procedural due process) amendment rights

The statute of limitations to file a Section 1983 lawsuit is within three years from the time the violation occurred.